3 days and counting…..

Posted by on July 22, 2013

It feels like just yesterday that Jeff came home and said to me, “I have a WILD idea…” 9 months and many guide books later, we are on the brink of the adventure of a lifetime! So many different emotions right now – excitement and nervousness predominating for most of us. We’ve said most of our goodbyes and now we are finishing the last details before our flight leaves on Wednesday. I was hoping to feel more in control and calm at this point in our preparations, but things don’t always work out that way:) We’ve had relatives in the emergency room, hospital, lost internet and phone at home for 2 weeks, and trips to Michigan, Tennessee, Las Vegas and Arlington in the last 3 weeks. We’ve been going a mile a minute. We are now kicking it into high gear so that, if everything comes together, we can get a good night’s sleep Tuesday night:)
Keep smiling! ~Marcy

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