The Magic Piano

Posted by on September 9, 2013

I think some of you may know by now that I have been wanting to play a piano really badly.
Well, we are in Venice on a day trip and when we got to the front of our hotel, dad said, “Chris, come look at this!” And the store RIGHT next door to the hotel was a music store with guitars, accordions, and best of all, pianos!
Of course, most pianos are a little big to carry around. But, there was one small piano that weighed about five pounds and dad asked if I wanted him to get it for me… I was already jumping up and and down and I immediately said, “Sure!!!” So he got it for me, we checked into our hotel and I brought it up to my room and started playing it!
Now, I am still sitting here playing it but the hardest (and funnest) part is that it is powered by air! So there is a tube that I blow into in order for the keys to make sound!
I am just really glad we found that store, now I can finally play piano whenever and wherever I want!
So why is it magic?
1) no batteries or electricity needed… Just my breath!
2). I wanted to play piano so bad for so long… And magically there was the perfect one right next door to our little hotel in Venice!
I will NEVER forget it!



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